Audiobook: What is it, Who Creates it, How It Works

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Audiobooks in truth, have been around for a while. However, it was only during the last couple of years that it gained extraordinary popularity. Similar to podcasts, audiobooks became popular for people on-the-go who didn’t have enough time to sit and read. They also became a popular resource for people who cannot read or do not enjoy reading.

Don’t know what podcasts are? Check out Jony Studios blog Podcast: What is It, How It Works, Who Creates It to know more.


They are voice recordings of books/novels that you can listen to rather than read. They are replicas of the written text in an MP3 format.

Customers are usually given an option to purchase and download audiobooks similar to digital music and video. There are many audiobooks available for free as well on Audible. Even apps such as Spotify now carry audiobooks.

Audiobooks give you a different reading experience for situations in which reading is not possible. It doesn’t matter whether you’re driving, walking, at the gym or working, audiobooks give you a chance to catch up with your reading without actually having to read!

And if you are a picky reader who doesn’t like to read books that are long, some audiobooks come in an abridged and unabridged version. Audiobooks that are marked as abridged are shorter and modified versions of the book made to better the listening experience. Unabridged audiobooks, on the other hand, are recorded word to word and are exact replicas of the printed book.


Audiobooks are created by the author or publishing house. Audiobooks are usually made to reach a wider audience and to give audiences a version other than printed and e-text.

Curious to learn more about audiobook recording and who they are made for? Check out Jony Studios blog Benefits And Tips For Recording An Audiobook For Your Novel to learn more.

Many authors provide a free sample of the audiobook on their website for audiences to judge for themselves whether or not they wish to buy that version or not.



Audiobooks come in a format similar to a digital song. They are available in MP3 formats and more and are supported by every mobile device. You can listen to audiobooks on smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, speakers or even in your car using the car entertainment system. 

You can either download the audiobook or stream it online. Streaming means to “download” the audiobook on the go as you’re listening. It doesn’t take up any additional space on your device but streaming does, however, take up a lot of data. It is recommended to download your audiobook over WiFi for a better listening experience. And although downloading the audiobook will take up a lot of space on your device, you have the option of deleting it from your device without losing your purchase. Audiobooks, like ebooks, are always available on a ‘cloud library’ thus ensuring you never lose your purchase.

Now you might be wondering who records an audiobook?

Audiobooks are usually recorded by professional narrators who tend to be actors and vocal specialists. It is, however, very common for the author to record the audiobook themselves as well.

Are you an author looking to record an audiobook for your book? Jony Studios offers audio production services that will help you reach a wider audience and increase your book sales. 

Contact us here to get started.


Audiobooks are a great way of catching up to your reading while on-the-go. There are thousands of audiobooks to choose from and many different genres to choose from as well. 

There are audiobooks made especially for children, seniors, teenagers, adults, romance lovers, fiction lovers, etc. And they are so easy to listen to and browse through that even the most non-tech savvy person can learn how to use it.

Here are some of Jony Studios’ favourite audiobooks to get you started:

  1. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

  2. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

  3. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

  4. The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer

  5. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

  6. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Did you find one you liked? Let us know below!

- By Neha Agarwala

If you need help turning your book into an audiobook, we offer audiobook production services that will help you reach a wider audience and increase your book sales. 

Learn more here and listen to some of our audiobook samples.