How to Rank on Apple Podcasts Charts

Every podcaster dreams of reaching the top ranks on Apple Podcasts. But how can you achieve this? There's no definitive formula, and it will take time. Several factors influence podcast rankings. Fortunately, you're here, and we'll be exploring some of those factors to help you boost your podcast's rank.

What Is Apple Podcast Charts?

First, what is Apple Podcast Charts? Well, it is used by listeners to discover the most popular podcasts featured on the platform. Similar to Spotify Podcast Charts, Apple groups podcasts into different categories and features the top 200 results within each. Achieving a top rank can bring great success to your show. The goal is to secure a high-ranking spot in a category that best represents your podcast.

How Does Apple Podcast Charts Ranking Work?

Now that we know what Apple Podcast Charts is, how does it actually work? Like any charting system, various factors come into play. Although it’s similar to platforms like Spotify Podcast Charts, each will have a unique ranking system.

The exact algorithm for Apple's rankings is unknown, but many have studied it and identified key contributors. According to studies, the most important factor is the number of subscribers, specifically new subscribers within a certain period of time. A strong subscriber growth rate signals to Apple that many people are currently interested in your show, helping to boost your ranking.

In addition to subscribers, the number of listens is crucial. Listens refer to how often your episodes are played. This indicates how many people are actively engaging with your show rather than just subscribing without listening. Usually, the top-ranked podcasts will have the most listens.

On the topic of listeners, we want to consider engaged listeners. In specific, the completion rate. Those genuinely interested in your show will finish episodes instead of closing them early. This demonstrates that your content is compelling and keeps your audience engaged.

Of course, other factors such as downloads, ratings, reviews, and average consumption also influence rankings. It’s the combination of all these elements that will help you achieve a top rank. Now, let’s look at some specific tips to boost your ranking.

Tips to Improve Your Apple Podcast Ranking

1) Podcast Category

As previously mentioned, Apple ranks podcasts by category. So, you must pick a primary category for your show. While you can choose additional secondary categories, your primary is the one in which you will be ranked. Choose the category that best represents your show to ensure it reaches the right audience.

If you are unsure which category to pick, research your options. Consider the competition, which best aligns with your show, and which will be easier to rank in. Keep in mind that an oversaturated category can make it difficult to rank well. However, avoid straying too far from the category that truly suits your podcast.

2) Quality Content

Attracting someone to your show is one thing, but creating a loyal listener is another. A loyal listener becomes a subscriber and boosts your listens, ratings, downloads, and more. The quality of your content will ultimately sell your show. Factors such as the audio quality, the content itself, the format, and more contribute to the overall quality of your podcast.

To start, choosing the right equipment ensures clear audio, improved sound quality, and a better listening experience. Investing in the right equipment requires time and research.

The content you share is crucial as well. You need to understand your target audience and what they want to see. If you truly understand your audience, you can cater your topics to their needs thus creating compelling content they will enjoy.

Finally, the way you present your information shapes an engaging episode. Whether you use interview styles, storytelling techniques, or roundtable formats, these methods enhance the quality and professionalism of your content. Think about your audience, and what formats will be most appealing to them.

3) Cover Art

One of the first things people notice about your podcast is the cover art, so it needs to be eye-catching. Ensure it is simple and high-quality; avoid pixelated images. It should also be mobile-friendly and maintain clarity on smaller screens. The artwork should also clearly depict what your show will be about. Consider all the places your cover art will appear and ensure it looks good across all mediums. Your cover art is what will draw people in. From there, the content will establish a rating in the listeners mind.

4) SEO

Many people overlook the importance of SEO for a podcast, but it is just as crucial as it is for a website. If you want to grow your subscriber base and popularity, discoverability is key.

You want people to find your podcast when they search for words or topics related to your show. Ignoring SEO significantly impacts your podcast’s chances of being discovered through Google Search, which is one of the best ways to gain exposure for a show that people aren't yet aware of. Thus, you need to consider SEO for your podcast’s title, description, artwork, and more.

As an example, you most likely found this article via Google organically - proof that SEO works! We're a specialized B2B podcasting company dedicated to creating and managing podcasts that not only resonate with your audience but also get noticed. If you are part of a medium or large business and want to partner with us, you can learn more about how you can use B2B podcasting to elevate your brand, generate valuable content, and drive revenue growth here.

5) Ratings and Reviews

Just like with anything we buy, use, or watch, we often check reviews. Ratings and reviews give us an idea of how good a podcast will be. A show with poor ratings and reviews will likely deter potential listeners, while good reviews and ratings will attract them.

It can be difficult to collect enough reviews when you are just starting. That is why many will consider incentives to encourage listeners to leave ratings and reviews. Consider doing a giveaway or offering a freebie. Additionally, make it easy for your listeners to leave a review by reminding them during your episodes and providing direct links to the review section.

6) Social Media

Social media is a fantastic marketing tool. Social media will allow you to connect with your audience through replying to comments, sharing stories, posting sneak peeks and much more. Through this, you can have genuine conversations and build a loyal listener base. It’s also a great way of establishing a brand for yourself and your expertise within your podcast category.

A strong social media presence can help you to gain exposure ultimately driving new listeners to your podcast. You can even reach out to influencers to help promote your podcast as well. For example, if you have a cooking podcast, you should collaborate with a cooking influencer. You need to be thoughtful in how you craft your social media strategy. Consider your audience and how they use social media to interact. You can also share exclusive content, host giveaways, and more.

7) Monitor Progress

Even after all these steps, you still need to monitor your progress. Looking at your podcast analytics will highlight areas that may need adjustments. This enables you to make improvements and potentially enhance your ranking even more. Apple provides a tool called Podcast Connect where you can submit your show to Apple Podcasts. This tool offers analytics and data on your episode performance allowing you to pinpoint potential impediments to your ranking.

8) Consistency

With all this in mind, remember to stay consistent. Building a successful podcast requires time and dedication. Keep producing high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and optimizing your show's performance. It’s an ongoing process but if you stick with it, you will see results over time.


While we may never fully understand Apple's ranking algorithm, we've painted a clear picture above based on our insights. You have worked hard and made it this far. After following these steps, you’ll be climbing those charts in no time.

Written by Kaitlin Duong


Jony Studios is a client-focused media production studio offering audio/video production, B2B podcasting, and audiobook services. They have worked with a wide range of clients from small businesses to larger organizations such as Penguin Random House, Amazon, University of Waterloo, Freakonomics Radio and many others.