music streaming

How to Make Money with Music


Do you want to make music more than just a hobby? Do you want to learn how to make money off the music you create? Does this seem impossible to do? If you answered yes to any of these questions then keep reading! 

Making music is one thing. Making money from it is a whole other thing. Knowing what to do and what not to do can be difficult when there are so many people giving you their opinion. 

Below I’ll be breaking down some “do’s” and “don’ts” when it comes to making money off your music. 

Keep in mind that this is not the only way to make money off your music, these are just some things you can do, and others that you can avoid to help you. 

Do: Find your target audience

This should be the first thing you do before even thinking about releasing music. Your target audience is the listeners who will become fans, so make sure the music you’re making is meant for them.

Ask yourself this:

  • Who do I want to hear my music?

  • What genre does my music best fit into?

  • What does the average listener of this genre look like?

Once you answer these questions, you will have a better grasp of what you want your fans to look like, and start catering your music to them.

Note: Authenticity in music is important, but if you want to make money, you have to be willing to make music for your target audience, and not just for yourself.

Do: Focus on the Fans

Your fans will become the most important part of your career, so make sure you treat them right. Social media and the internet in general have made it incredibly easy to create personal connections with fans, so utilize it! 

It’s also important to understand the difference between listeners and fans. Listeners will check out a song or two and leave it at that. Fans will check out a song or two and then become devout followers who never miss a release. 

Likely, you will have more listeners than fans. Don’t try to win over new fans, focus on the ones you have because they will be the ones buying your merch, streaming your albums, and showing up to your concerts. Make sure you are treating them right.  

Tip: Create an email list with your dedicated fans and send them updates and links to stream/purchase your music. 

Do: Save Money

Making music is not a cheap thing to do. There are costs of instruments, studio time, gear like amps, microphones, etc., and million other little things that add up. 

Here’re are some things you can do while starting out to save money

  • By secondhand gear

  • Focus on bettering yourself as a musician before trying to get studio time

  • Seek sponsorships and endorsements

  • Teach yourself as much as you can about the music industry

  • Use social media to get your name out into the world and create a following, it’s free

Do: Create High-Quality Music

Google how many songs there are on Apple Music

Now on Spotify.

Now in the entire world

Those are some big numbers and they are constantly being added to. In order for your music to reach people, it needs to be high quality. 

The first thing you should focus on in making your sound high quality is you. If you’re singing or playing an instrument, you need to practice like crazy before recording to make sure you are singing/playing to the best of your ability.

Practicing can feel like a lot of work and sometimes seem like you’re taking two steps backward and one step forward. If this happens try these things:

  • Take a break

  • Listen to songs that have a similar sound to what you’re practicing

  • Don’t stop practicing once you get it perfect, keep going until you can perform it that way every time

  • Set aside time to practice every day and stick to it

After you have practiced, the next step is to start recording, mixing, and mastering. Whether you do it yourself at home or with a professional in a studio doesn’t matter too much. Just make sure you are achieving a high-quality sound and you are not wasting money. 


If you’re a singer unsure of how to record the best vocals, check out this article from Jony Studios.

The next thing to focus on is creating visually pleasing art to go with your music. Your single/album/EP art should reflect the piece of music as a whole as well as look good. Contrary to popular belief people do judge books by their covers and they will judge your music based on your album art. 

Do: Get Your Music on Apple Music and Spotify

Once you have created high-quality music that you are proud of, the next step is to get it onto streaming platforms.

Start with a pre-order/pre-save before the initial release. This will allow you to make a bigger impact with your music and get more people excited about it. 

Once your music is released onto Apple Music and Spotify, you have the opportunity for millions of people to be exposed to your songs through playlists.


Now you’re probably wondering “how do I actually make money from streaming services?”

This article will break it down for you.

Do: Get Started

The hardest thing to do when it comes to making money in music is actually getting started. So if you want to make music your career then go for it! Don’t get hung up on the fact that you’re not going to be making money right away. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Check out this video to learn more tips about monetizing your music

Don’t: Sign a Record Deal right away

Signing a record deal will not solve all your problems, in fact, it will probably create more. Record deals are typically in favour of the record company making all the money from your music. 

Here’re some cons to signing with a record label:

  • Any advances you receive from them have to be paid back

  • You lose ownership of your music

  • You’ll receive very little royalties (like 2% while the label keeps the other 98%)

In the music industry, everyone’s main goal is to make money and usually, that means that smaller artists get the short end of the stick. 

Don’t Release Music without Marketing

Unless you're a huge, successful artist, surprise releases should be avoided. Give people time to get excited about your music. Post about it on social media, email your fans about it and tell everyone you meet. 

You’d be surprised how many indie artists upload their songs and just hope it will go viral. Most of the time, this doesn’t work. 

Don’t: Assume Social Media will make you famous

Many people have the goal that they are going to go viral on Tik Tok or become Instagram famous. While there are methods that have been known to achieve this, don’t approach social media with the attitude that it will make you famous. 


Use social media to share authentic content and connect with fans. If you end up going viral in the process, that’s awesome! Just don’t base your entire career off of it. 

Written By: Leah Gerber

Conclusion: Don’t give up

You might be feeling a little bit discouraged and overwhelmed right now. That’s ok! The important thing is that you don’t give up. Music takes time and effort and there will be a obstacles to get through but it will be worth it in the end.

I hope these tips were able to guide you in getting started with your music career.

If you need further help creating your own music, we offer audio production services that will help you elevate your sound and bring your song to life!

We look forward to being a part of your success.