How to Collaborate on Music Remotely

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Collaborating musically can be an extremely effective creative and promotional tool for an upcoming musician. Not only does it force you to think outside the box and compare tips and tricks with another creative musician, but it's also a great way to get your name out there within the community. There’s nothing better than collaborating with another artist and sharing the reward of a fantastic single with tons of views, audiences will mingle and all of a sudden you got another ally, rooting for your success. 

Of course, a successful collaboration must go both ways, you’re only going to get support with your support right back so communication is the key to it all. 

In the age of the pandemic, communication has gotten all that much more difficult. For many people, taking a trip to another studio is not a possibility anymore, therefore most collaboration must be done online. 

For all those musicians eager to get back into the community and start collaborating again, here are some tips for collaborating and communication virtually. 


How to start the collab

Getting started with collabs isn’t about messaging any artist you can find online with a basic pitch, doing that will get you ignored at best and blacklisted at worst. Collaborations, and most partnerships within the music industry, is all about building relationships. 

As stated, a good collaboration is a two-way street where both artists trust each-other, communicate well and are honest about their goals. We’ll get to establishing goals and timelines later, but it's important to remember this fact. Not only will this bring more successful collaborations, but it also has the potential to get you new fans and supporters, even if the collaboration doesn’t end up working out.

Creating relationships as opposed to cold sales also serves another hidden purpose behind the scenes. Unless you have been following the artist for a long time, it's impossible to know if they even are the sort of artist you would want to associate with! Creating a dialogue beforehand lets you get the chance to know them better, what their strengths and weaknesses are as a creator and what their long term goals are. Speaking of goals...


Establishing goals and timelines


Once you have created an artistic relationship, you could start just by exchanging production tips and long term plans. For example, ask yourself and them,  what are you trying to accomplish with this collaboration? And how does the other artist factor in? Furthermore, are you intending on making a single together, a joint release? A cover? Or perhaps just a feature on the second verse. 

There are countless directions a co-produced song could take so making this clear and coming to an agreement beforehand is essential to ensure a good relationship down the road. 

This concept extends to the schedule as well. The last thing you want is to pour countless golden hours into a project just to wait months for your partner to get his section just right. Make sure everyone knows just what it is you are making, how the project will be released and when it needs to be completed.


Collaboration tools

Now, this is where remoteness gets tricky. Without pandemic woes, just getting in the same room as them to start jamming is often the best way to get the creative juices flowing, unfortunately, that just isn’t possible anymore (for most people). Making this work remotely might be unfamiliar, but there is plenty of file sharing and music collaboration software out there to help you along. Each of these platforms works slightly differently, from a full cloud-based Digital Audio Workstation to simple online file sharing. During the planning phase, this is another key step that needs to be worked out, but we’ll detail them here in order of intricateness.


1. Email

This one might be obvious, but without any other options, you can always just send your samples via email. Obviously this works best for a feature or guest appearance, where one artist puts the majority of the track together (with feedback of course). Furthermore, most email has a pretty low file size limit (for example Gmail limits the entire message and encoded attachment to 25mb) therefore sending extremely high quality or large samples will be an issue. If file sizes are a problem however, it's almost as easy to move to the second option!


2. File sharing services

File sharing services like Dropbox, Google Drive or WeTransfer will allow you to share much bigger files and keep everyone up to date with the latest versions. Without losing so much quality like with emailing, this would allow you to trade audio back and forth for more genuine collaboration however generally you will not be able to send the project file itself. If you’re looking for a better way to compare the music and provide detailed feedback, you might want to try one of these dedicated music sharing services. 


3. Music file-sharing services

Pibox Music, Splice and Sound Cloud will all allow you to share your music files and let collaborators comment directly wherever on the track for even more specific feedback. As stated, communication is key to a successful collaboration, and providing clear feedback is definitely a part of that. 

These services are generally similar to the aforementioned file sharing services but allow you and whomever you share with to see the waveform and listen to it while it is still hosted online. Soundcloud is the simplest of the bunch and may already be familiar to you. All it takes is to upload privately, then share with your partner. 

Pibox takes it a step further in that it allows for live and/or video chats, screen sharing and a record of mix version history along with time-stamped commenting like SoundCloud. This service is available for 2 collaborators and 1gb of files for free so it should take you through your first few projects, but for larger ones, you’ll have to become a subscriber. 

Finally, Splice is renowned for its extensive library of user-generated sounds, but it can also be used as a DAW-based music collaboration platform! 

If the limitations of single audio files just aren’t enough for you, Splice will allow you to back up entire project files from programs like Logic, Ableton Live, FL Studio and more meaning truly getting each-others input on a track is fully possible! All it takes is an account to get started making this one of the most enticing music collaboration platforms out there currently. 


4. Cloud-based music-making apps

Music-making apps that allow for collaboration will force you out of your preferred daw but allow for even more hands-on collaborative beat making. Trackd, Soundtrap and Soundstorming are three such apps which allow you to record or track directly into their interface and upload in real-time. 

The first, Trackd, is a full-service app (only available for IOS) which makes writing, recording, multi-tracking and even mixing all possible under one roof. 

Soundtrap (by Spotify) on the other hand is the most simple and great for beginners. Under the free version, you get access to 5 projects, 900 loops, and 210 sounds and instruments to play with. The other unique thing about Soundtrap is that its browser-based making it especially easy to invite your collaborator and get to creating! 

Soundstorming is the last, and most unique of the apps featured here. First off, it markets itself as a “social music app” and works much more like Splice’s sample library than either of the previous two. Essentially, record your musical idea into the app and upload it to a global community of musicians for brainstorming, critiques and feedback. This app has capabilities more reminiscent of a music community than a collaboration tool, but it can be still used for the latter purpose. 


Following through

Now that the introductions, goals, timelines and tools have all been established there is nothing stopping you from making that killer song! Making great music and finding inspiration is a whole other challenge, and a topic for another blog, but in my experience, I’ve found that just being able to bounce ideas off of another capable musician has been extremely effective. 

It’s important to remember everything you’ve talked about throughout this process. Most importantly the importance of good communication. Making sure everyone is happy throughout the collaboration will undoubtedly produce something great, even if it's just for the memories. 



Collaborating artistically can be one of the most fulfilling activities an artist can take. I know that some of my best works have been made this way and the same goes for countless amazing artists for all time

Music aside, it's also another incredible way to promote yourself and be a part of the musician community online, from some of our previous blogs, you can never discount how important that is. 

Hopefully, these collaboration tips will set you right on your way but if you’re looking to give that collaboration something extra special, check out our website for the mixing and mastering services we can provide to take your song to the next level. 

What are some of your best and worst collab stories? And what have you learned from it? Let us know in the comments below.

- By Erik Steiner


Hemingway Editor Review - Will it Improve Your Writing!?

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Along with staying relevant with the newest book marketing and writing, we also enjoy checking out the newest tools that can help authors throughout the entire writing process. This is our full review on the Hemingway editor.    

I’ve heard a lot of authors speaking about using Hemingway in their own writing.  

But you may be wondering what it is, and how it may be able to help you in your writing journey?

Unlike other writing tutors like ProWritingAid, Hemingway is not a comprehensive writing tutor. This is because it instead focuses on securing words and making them more impactful and concise.   

We decided to check out Hemingway Editor and compare it to other writing tools. So, you can make a more informed decision. Let’s get started.      

In this well thought out review you will learn:

  • An outline of Hemingway Editor and how to best use it 

  • The cost associated with Hemingway 

  • How hemingway compares to other related solutions         



Hemingway is named after a well known master of literacy, Ernest Hemmingway. The tool aims to “make your writing bold and clear.” But that being said it isn’t a comprehensive writing coach or grammar checker, like ProWritingAid and Grammarly.     

Instead, it’s a powerful and minimalist device to better the method of your writing. 

But you may be wondering how? It can be done by either pasting your work into Hemingway editor or writing straight into the editor, it then highlights your writing with different colours. Each colour is associated with a different Hemingway improvement.     

So these are the suggestions that are made by Hemingway: 

  • Yellow Sentences:  Hemingway identifies these sentences as structurally complex or lengthy. So the tool gives a suggestion to simplify or split the yellow highlighted sentences.  

  • Red Sentences: Hemingway identifies these sentences as sentences that could confuse readers. Best thing to do here is reword the sentences until the red highlight disappears.    

  • Purple Words: Hemingway feels these sentences have a more simpler and suitable replacement. To see Hemingways suggestention hover over the words.    

  • Blue Words: These words are adverbs or hesitant and weak language. Hemingway suggests omitting these words.   

  • Green Phrases: These phrases indicate that passive voice has been applied. This can be appropriate under some contexts, but active voice is usually preferred.     



The Hemingway Editor tool can be applied in two ways:

  • The Online Hemingway Editor, free 

  • The Hemingway App, in app purchase 

Paid vs Free Hemingway Editor

You can find the Hemingway Editor online for free. Also the good news is that the creators have released they want to keep it this way.

But the Hemingway App is only available for a one-time purchase of $19.99. This price is consistent with the Windows and Mac version of the Hemingway app. Purchasing the software also qualifies you to free upgrades.   

This is how the online Hemingway Editor differs from the paid app.  

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Since we have compared the Hemingway App to the Hemingway Editor, let's compare alike writing tools, like ProWritingAid and Grammarly.     



For this case, there isn’t a clear winner. Hemingway is able to do certain things while ProWritingAid and Grammarly are able to do other things.    

But, overall, I believe Hemingway is an affordable and amazing option for writers. It will secure the style of almost any writer out there. The best way to know if Hemingway is a good fit for you is to the free version, the full app version is a great value for only a one time payment of $19.99.  


Important Notes: ProWritingAid typically has better grammar, but I feel Grammarly has better control on commas and where they belong.     

From above one can note, ProWritingAid has the most features. But, if you don’t require all the features that come with ProWritingAid or are on a budget, Hemingway Editor is more worthy of your time and attention.    



You would see a screen similar to the one below when accessing the Hemingway Online Version.

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This version of the Hemingway Editor offers two modes: Edit and Write 

The ‘Write’ mode is utilized for free of distraction writing in a minimalistic setting. When using the Hemingway’s ‘write’ mode, the screen would appear like this, once you delete the pre written work Hemingway has written :

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While you can create a short piece using the Hemingway ‘write’ settinging, it is not something I would recommend.  

I say this because there is no way for you to save your work, like by logging in or cloud. So, if something happens and the browser crashes, you will lose everything  you have been working on in the Hemingway ‘write’ setting. 

By using the ‘Edit’ option, one is able to utilize the complete range of the Hemingway analysis.  

This would include the three sections below:

  1. Formatting options, found at the top of your screen 

  2. Also includes colored highlights of your writing, which indicates the types of improvements Hemingway believes you should make.

  3. Also this really cool feature that summarizes all the findings Hemmingway was able to find, this is located on the right side of your screen

Let us look at these three sections closer.



Hemingway offers the following formatting options for your text:

  • Bold

  • Quote

  • Link

  • H1

  • H2

  • H3

  • Numbers

  • Bullets

  • Link

  • Italic

These Formatting options are great for bloggers. This is because one can clean up their writing style in the Hemingway editor and then utilize the listed formatting options for your text to be prepared for publication. 



Now Let us take a peek at the colored highlights being used.  

Yellow Highlights

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Yellow highlighted sentences indicate they are hard to read. Thus hemingway reccoments splitting it up or shortening it. 


Red Highlights

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Red highlighted sentences are very hard to read. These sentences are similar to yellow sentences, but a lot worse.    


Purple Highlights

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Purple highlighter words show complex words being used for which simpler substitutes exist. 

The way to see the substitute words is to use your mouse to hover over the purple word. You can see an example of this below.  

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Blue Highlights

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A blue highlighted word means Hemingway thinks it is weak. 

Using your mouse to hover over the highlighted word, you would see the suggestions Hemingway makes to improve your writing.  

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Hemingway can give suggestions to improve an adverb, like this picture above.  

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Above, Hemingway is able to suggest how to make a qualifier stronger.  


Green Highlights

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Text that has been highlighted in green suggests that passive voice has been used. 



Hemmingway gives a summary of your writing, which is located on the right hand side of your screen. Having this feature is great because it provides the following information.   


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Hemingway is able to analyse your writing to be able to assess the reading level it is written at.   

As stated by the creators of Hemingway, the average American is able to read at a tenth-grade level. Making sure your writing is below or at this level will make it easy for the average american to access.   

Enrest Hemingway's writing is said to be fifth-grade level. Proof that clear and concise language does not weaken the quality of one's writing.   



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Hemingway is able to show a word count for your writing.

The following information would be displayed, By clicking on ‘Show More

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Number Of Adverbs

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Hemingway is able to show us the number of adverbs in your writing and calculates if this is a tolerable number. 

Use Of Passive Voice

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Hemingway is also able to show us how often passive voice is used in your writing and then calculates if this is an acceptable number.  

Complex Language

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This characteristic exhibits the number of  simpler words suggested in your writing.  

Hard To Read Sentences

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Hemingway is also able to identify the quantity of yellow sentences in your writing. 

Very Hard To Read Sentences

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This characteristic shows us the amount of times red sentences were found by Hemingway 

With all the above info put together, Hemingway offers us a useful summary.  



Although Hemingway is very easy to use. Although, if I had to choose, I would choose ProWritingAid. I say this because: 

  • Using ProWritingAid is like having a personalized tutor. The software provides an in-depth look into your areas of strength and weakness, no software does it like them.   

  • No matter what your writing style is, the software can tailor to it 

If you are just looking for something that fits your budget, then forsure have a look at Hemingway.  

But, if you are looking for the best writing editor, ProWritingAid is the best one out there.  



Now that you have a good understanding of how Hemingway Editor works you can use it to help yourself and even compare it to its rivals.  

But here's a Reminder:

  • There is a free and paid version of the editor

  • It’s aim is to improve and tighten your writing 

  • I still think ProWritingAid is the leading solution  

Have you ever used the Hemingway Editor? Have you used any of the other writing solutions I have mentioned? Let me know in the comments below.

If you need help turning your book into an audiobook, we offer audiobook production services that will help you reach a wider audience and increase your book sales. 

Learn more here and listen to some of our audiobook samples


Contact us here to get started.


Where to Find The Best EDM Vocals

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Are you making your own music? Are you trying to find vocals to add to your remix? There are many amazing resources for vocals, especially edm vocals. Most of these vocals cater specifically for original music or remixes.

In this blog, we will go over where to find the best vocal samples for your music.      


Where to get the best EDM vocals - Original Music  

There are many amazing places to find EDM vocals, that you can use for your tracks and we're here to help! 

Here is our list for the best places to find edm vocals: is a good resource for vocals. On this website you are able to find many vocals uploaded by artists from all over the world. But one downside is everyone is able to upload on the website so vocal quality is not the best. So in order to find good vocals you're going to need to do some digging. Additionally, the singers who upload acapella keep all rights over their creation. So you are able to use acapellas for non commercial projects but if you're creating something else you have to contact the artist. This means the vocals can  be downloaded for free, but they could not be free.     


 On this website you are able to license edm vocals right from the artist, it is also the only website when you can do this. Artists create and upload toplines, acapellas and vocals that they can license to you for your own use. The amazing thing about volclio is creators are able to brown and purchase edm vocals non-exclusively and exclusively.

Being able to buy vocals exclusively is a huge advantage over other edm vocal websites because other websites focus mostly on providing vocal samples - which can be bought by thousands of producers. With voclio, one can ensure they get an unique and original vocal.

Additionally, you are able to find vocals from real artists- like mickey shiloh (who has written for Britney Spears, Jason Derulo, Janet Jackson and many more).      


If you are someone who has been producing music for a while now you most likely know of Splice. This is a monthly subscription, that gives you thousands of samples and free loops. You can also find thousands of royalty free vocals, in their samples.

But there are not many full acapellas on Splice. This means the majority of the vocals are one shots, vocal chops, or phrases that can make it difficult to piece together the vocals into a song. But, that being said you can still find high quality edm vocals on Splice.  


If you use Splice then you most likely have used some Producerloop samples. They provide many contrasting sample packs for different edm genres. Additionally, they have a wide selection of sample packs that can be purchased, these sample packs have amazing vocals in them.      


Function loop has some breathtaking vocal sample packs. Most of them have amazing one shots, acapella and vocal chops to choose from. The acapellas are of great quality and even include some talented vocalists.  


Where to get the best EDM vocals - Remixes  

Looking for edm vocals for remixes? Check out our list below. 


Wavo is also a great place for remix competitions. They don’t offer as many competitions but do offer more famous songs for remixing. Recently they have had competitions with songs from artists like Seeb, Tritional, Galantis and many more!   


Spinnin’ Records competitions are known as one of the most desired remix competitions especially for producers. Many people say a release on Spinnin’ Records can kick start your career. Because of this reputation, they have very strict competitions. Even if you're not trying to win, they have a great selection of tracks that are available for remixing.

That being said there aren’t many tracks available at once, but the patience is definitely worth it as you will find some great tracks for remixing. Also, if your remix is good enough you could even get signed by Spinnin’ Records!  


Skio Music is a great place for vocal stems specifically for remixes. They tend to have a variety of remix competitions that anyone can enter, also vocals are available for purchase through credit. The songs they have to use for remixing are usually high quality but lesser known.   


This website is an amazing resource for dj’s. They have a section where one can buy vocals and also stems from a wide selection of tracks. Additionally, you can buy stems and that too for only a couple of dollars. But many of the stems accessible are not “famous” songs, but the tracks available are amazing!   is a website where it really depends on your luck. You could either find some great tracks for remixing or not find anything at all. But, you should check out the website every so often because they do have some great vocals.



This blog provides you with the best places to find vocals for remixes and original music. There is a wide range of options to help enhance your music.

If you’re still unsure of which vocals suit you best or if you’d like to create some, contact Jony Studios to get our expert opinion/use our professional skills.


If you need further help creating your own music, we offer audio production services that will help you elevate your sound and bring your song to life!

We look forward to being a part of your success.

Contact us here to get started.