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Should You Sign With A Record Label?

Amidst this new era of the music industry, more and more artists are refusing to conform to the confines of the traditional music industry. Especially considering the overload of information about music contracts and labelling deals, artists are now able to make more educated decisions. This includes undergoing a variety of novel paths such as testing new release strategies, marketing or even marketing through social media!


 1. Less creative freedom (silence)

Many artists are beginning to realize that their artistic freedom is being challenged more and more while under a music label. Unfortunately in the digital age of social media, artists are facing an increasingly heightened level of restrictions on their artistic freedom which is only more threatened under a label.

When an artist's message stirs off more political concepts especially from women and minority artists, that’s when the lines of artistic freedom become further challenged. Read a very informative article by CIVICUS to learn more about “the state of artistic expression”. 

For example: in MIA’s song, “Borders” has really defied many boundaries by expressing the harsh reality of the refugee crisis in the European Union. With MIA being a refugee herself, she used her voice in a powerful way by speaking up for the rights of humanity.

 Unfortunately, none of that matters when she was taken for a four-year court battle to take down her video with the NFT. This is all because of her wearing a parody of the “Fly Emirates” shirt by replacing it with “Fly pirates” as a strong statement. Check out an article where VICE interviews MIA about this topic for more information. 

Have a listen of MIA’s song “Borders” below and tell us what you think! 


2. The power of self-promotion through youtube, Soundcloud

The music industry no longer has a monopoly on music promotion nowadays. What is great about social media is how anyone has the opportunity to take advantage of the countless abilities to connect with an audience base to build their own brand. Embarking in a music career does not have to be as linear as signing a music label and waiting to get promoted. There are so many chances, marketing techniques and ways to engage your target audience with the power of the internet alone. 

For example, Youtube is now the largest search engine on the internet and now actually one of the most popular platforms to stream music. For example consider Joji, a viral Youtube Star who made his way to become a respected HIT R&B star. I honestly just found out he was a youtube star just recently, and am once again surprised at the power of the internet! 

Check out this interesting article by Time Magazine that goes over Joji's music career from a Youtuber to a famous R&B artist!


3. Lack of personal attention

Although, of course, there are some pros for signing with a record deal, however, the matter of the fact is, many artists are left fighting for attention from their label. This is mostly because of the fact that how large and influential music industries are (which is definitely a plus). However, this means that many agents come and go because of high staff turnover. In other words, the person you may have connected with your music, may not be working with you the next day.  

Despite how huge and influential music industries are, this also means you are likely to be fighting for attention. This is even more amplified if your music doesn’t sell charts right away. In this case, it may be difficult to get a label representative to return phone calls or not getting enough promotion. As a result, your music may not be as prioritized any longer, even if your music does have potential.


4. No guaranteed that labels equal success (not like before in the 90s)

Back in the 90s, signing to a label meant that you were destined for great success. Now, the music industry is changing rapidly as the labels find new ways to generate revenue. Due to the fact that music is now sold through streaming services instead. As a result, this changed the music industry's role to artists drastically which basically means that music labels can no longer guarantee success.

 On the other hand, many artists are starting to go solo to take advantage of the increased freedom that music streaming provides. Take Chance the Rapper as a perfect example of someone who achieved great success through using mixtape sites, touring and constant creation all without ever selling a record!

Read this Rolling Stones article for more information Indie artists going Independent! 


5. Artists needing to owe record labels an advance

So now I bet you are wondering what happens if you are signed to the music industry and your work isn’t doing too well. Well if you signed a music label, it is likely you have gotten paid an advance which is basically an investment to support the production of your music. If you are new to the industry, it is way too easy to think that getting an advance is your lottery ticket. 

Unfortunately, it is not that simple as the truth is that a record advance is really more of like a credit which you must pay off with your art. Therefore, if you DO sign for a record label it is important not to ask for too much which may limit their ability to market you and your ability to pay them off. This is why it is crucial to NEGOTIATE in order to find out what works best for you and not end up forever in debt.  

Check out the “Music Industry” for more advice if you do want to sign to a record label. 


6. Complicated contracts (not being able to keep rights, being able to keep royalties) 

Many of these music label contracts contain so much legal jargon that only highly specialized lawyers can truly understand. Too many artists fall into this trap and end up losing their royalties and the rights to their music. Imagine going on so many tours, concerts and promo only for the record labels to be making millions while you’re left with spare cash. Unfortunately, this is the reality for so many artists throughout history including a variety of different famous artists. 

Sadly, history has shown that a lot of the time, Black artists are left facing the short end of the stick. It is without a doubt Black Americans influenced countless music genres ranging from rock and roll, blues, and jazz. Yet, many of these artists such as Little Richard were victims of poor contracts that left them forced to waive the rights to a variety of his classic songs at the start of his career. Fortunately, in his case, he regained his rights in the 1980s after a lawsuit settlement which further stresses the importance of fighting for your rights.


7. Streaming dominating the industry and creating complications

I am sure you heard of countless stories where an artist speaks out about streaming royalties. The case is always due to artists being signed to a label which makes it difficult for artists to gain their fair share of money in return for their views. 

This is made even more complicated when artists are signed under 5 album deals under a music industry that was still at a low point and is forced to continue making music with little return. 

To make it more clear, famous artists like Lil Uzi Vert, who made 8 million from one song, will only make around 2 million simply because of label complication.



In conclusion, music labels are becoming more and more complicated. As the internet evolves, there are more and more options for music artists to gain exposure through social media. Either way, it is crucial that artists make informed decisions before signing a label and begin research before signing off to a record label. 

Do you think record labels are still a viable option for artists in this day and age? Let us know in the comments!

By Itman Hassan

If you need further help creating your own music, we offer audio production services that will help you elevate your sound and bring your song to life!

We look forward to being a part of your success.

Contact us here to get started.


How to Improve Your Home Recordings Using Acoustic Treatment

You often see them in sound booths, movie stages, and high end studios and they look like strange structures coming out of the wall...but what are these things?

Usually made of spongy or wooden material, they act as more than just a neat wall decor!

Acoustic treatment is a common practice in sound engineering which prevents unwanted frequencies from bouncing around your studio like a kid on a sugar rush. Sometimes in a standard room, the audio frequencies need a place to go so they travel and bounce off reflective surfaces, like your walls or floor. This can lead to muddy mixes, poor audio quality, and a poor understanding of what you’re actually hearing.


How does it work?

Acoustic treatment has multiple different forms to tackle its different opponents. Basic absorption is generally used to remove higher frequencies. These tend to look like pyramid or triangle formations sticking out of the wall and they do a great job at absorbing unwanted sound energy from the high end. 

But what do you do about that nasty low end?

It’s often annoying when your neighbours are having a party, and all you can hear is the roaring bass pumping through the walls.

In a process called “bass trapping”, engineers will equip bare corners of a room with bass traps  to create what’s called a “standing wave”. These are corner foam pieces that are designed to trap lower frequencies and keep the sound tidy.

And for everything in between, there are diffusers. These are oddly shaped treatment devices that rely on sound dispersion as opposed to absorption. To put it simply, these guys spread out the sound energy in various directions to avoid direct sound travel. It’s why standing in a gym tends to sound more loud and noisy compared to standing in a movie theatre.

For more information on how acoustic treatment works, here is an article from IntechOpen on acoustic materials.

But how can you apply acoustic treatment for your home studio?


Can You Build an Acoustic Diffuser…

There are many ways to equip your studio with an acoustic diffuser, but they don’t come cheap.

Amazon is currently selling home studio diffusers for $35 per square foot. But there must be an easier way to do this!

SoundAssured has an article covering the building process of an acoustic diffuser for under $20! You can find the article here.

For the most part, home studios mostly need absorption of mid-range frequencies. These are the frequencies that tend to mud up our mixes and sound. The easiest approach to constructing a midrange acoustic diffuser is to build what’s called a “skyline diffuser”.

This is best described as a single piece of wood with various lengths of foam rectangles protruding out. 



Acoustic diffusers are a common tool in the industry when it comes to basic studio sound design. Though when the truth is told, it is best to seek professional assistance when working in or building your home studio projects. If you have any questions or concerns around sound engineering and other services provided by Jony Studios, feel free to ask us in the comments!

If you need further help creating your own music, we offer audio production services that will help you elevate your sound and bring your song to life!

We look forward to being a part of your success.

Contact us here to get started.


Where to Find The Best EDM Vocals

Where to Find the Best EDM Vocals.jpg

Are you making your own music? Are you trying to find vocals to add to your remix? There are many amazing resources for vocals, especially edm vocals. Most of these vocals cater specifically for original music or remixes.

In this blog, we will go over where to find the best vocal samples for your music.      


Where to get the best EDM vocals - Original Music  

There are many amazing places to find EDM vocals, that you can use for your tracks and we're here to help! 

Here is our list for the best places to find edm vocals: is a good resource for vocals. On this website you are able to find many vocals uploaded by artists from all over the world. But one downside is everyone is able to upload on the website so vocal quality is not the best. So in order to find good vocals you're going to need to do some digging. Additionally, the singers who upload acapella keep all rights over their creation. So you are able to use acapellas for non commercial projects but if you're creating something else you have to contact the artist. This means the vocals can  be downloaded for free, but they could not be free.     


 On this website you are able to license edm vocals right from the artist, it is also the only website when you can do this. Artists create and upload toplines, acapellas and vocals that they can license to you for your own use. The amazing thing about volclio is creators are able to brown and purchase edm vocals non-exclusively and exclusively.

Being able to buy vocals exclusively is a huge advantage over other edm vocal websites because other websites focus mostly on providing vocal samples - which can be bought by thousands of producers. With voclio, one can ensure they get an unique and original vocal.

Additionally, you are able to find vocals from real artists- like mickey shiloh (who has written for Britney Spears, Jason Derulo, Janet Jackson and many more).      


If you are someone who has been producing music for a while now you most likely know of Splice. This is a monthly subscription, that gives you thousands of samples and free loops. You can also find thousands of royalty free vocals, in their samples.

But there are not many full acapellas on Splice. This means the majority of the vocals are one shots, vocal chops, or phrases that can make it difficult to piece together the vocals into a song. But, that being said you can still find high quality edm vocals on Splice.  


If you use Splice then you most likely have used some Producerloop samples. They provide many contrasting sample packs for different edm genres. Additionally, they have a wide selection of sample packs that can be purchased, these sample packs have amazing vocals in them.      


Function loop has some breathtaking vocal sample packs. Most of them have amazing one shots, acapella and vocal chops to choose from. The acapellas are of great quality and even include some talented vocalists.  


Where to get the best EDM vocals - Remixes  

Looking for edm vocals for remixes? Check out our list below. 


Wavo is also a great place for remix competitions. They don’t offer as many competitions but do offer more famous songs for remixing. Recently they have had competitions with songs from artists like Seeb, Tritional, Galantis and many more!   


Spinnin’ Records competitions are known as one of the most desired remix competitions especially for producers. Many people say a release on Spinnin’ Records can kick start your career. Because of this reputation, they have very strict competitions. Even if you're not trying to win, they have a great selection of tracks that are available for remixing.

That being said there aren’t many tracks available at once, but the patience is definitely worth it as you will find some great tracks for remixing. Also, if your remix is good enough you could even get signed by Spinnin’ Records!  


Skio Music is a great place for vocal stems specifically for remixes. They tend to have a variety of remix competitions that anyone can enter, also vocals are available for purchase through credit. The songs they have to use for remixing are usually high quality but lesser known.   


This website is an amazing resource for dj’s. They have a section where one can buy vocals and also stems from a wide selection of tracks. Additionally, you can buy stems and that too for only a couple of dollars. But many of the stems accessible are not “famous” songs, but the tracks available are amazing!   is a website where it really depends on your luck. You could either find some great tracks for remixing or not find anything at all. But, you should check out the website every so often because they do have some great vocals.



This blog provides you with the best places to find vocals for remixes and original music. There is a wide range of options to help enhance your music.

If you’re still unsure of which vocals suit you best or if you’d like to create some, contact Jony Studios to get our expert opinion/use our professional skills.


If you need further help creating your own music, we offer audio production services that will help you elevate your sound and bring your song to life!

We look forward to being a part of your success.

Contact us here to get started.