podcast recommendations

8 Ways a Podcast Can Benefit Your Business


Podcasting became a thing in the early 2000s, and since then has grown in popularity. It is now an engaging and convenient way to consume information.

 Whether you are interested in behind-the-scenes facts about your favourite TV Show, cracking open a cold case with amateur detectives, or learning a thing or two about business, if there’s a topic you’re interested in, there’s most likely a podcast to go with it. 

If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, you should definitely start a podcast. Your business most likely has something unique that it could teach people, while also subtly, or not-so-subtly, promoting your business. 

You might be thinking that podcasting seems like a lot of work for not a lot of reward but that’s not true.

Below I’m going to be breaking down some of the benefits that podcasting has for your business, so keep reading!

Access Valuable Clients

An article from Improve Podcast explains that the average podcast listener is affluent, highly educated, and has a steady income. This means that if you choose to start a podcast, the people listening will be a part of a valuable market for your business. 

This demographic of people are typically busier and would prefer to listen to something rather than read it. After all, you can listen to a podcast while on a walk, stuck in traffic, and doing mind-numbing tasks at your job. It’s a bit harder to read something while doing these activities. 


Build a Community

Podcasting is a great way to build a community of listeners. Throughout a podcast episode, you can lead listeners to check out your podcast’s social media and website.

This will make it easier to directly market your business towards listeners. Through a website and social media, you can start discussions surrounding your podcast, get listeners to sign up for email newsletters, and ask questions to be discussed on the podcast. 

Grow Your Audience

Podcasts are easily accessible to a listener. As long as they have their phone, laptop, or tablet with them, they’ll have access to podcasts.

Because of the easy access listeners have to podcasts, they may seek answers to questions on your podcast. Make your content on-demand to answer the listener’s questions.

Ways you can create on-demand content:

  • Answer viewers questions that they asked via your website or social media

  • Give shoutouts to the people who asked the question so they know their question is the one being answered

  • Demographic research: Know your listeners and their interests so you can answer questions before they ask

Reach Listeners with minimal costs

Apple and Spotify Podcasts are the main way that listeners consume podcasts and both companies invest in podcasts to promote top shows. 


Take the time to see what the top podcasts are doing differently and then do that too. You’ll be able to reach more by using the same formulas that the best podcasts use.

It’s also relatively inexpensive to start a podcast. All you need is a couple of microphones (check out this article to find a microphone that works for you), a quiet room that absorbs sound, and knowledge of your topic. 


Podcasts are a lot less time-consuming to promote. As soon as listeners hit the subscribe button, they will automatically be updated when there is a new episode to listen to. 

This allows you to spend more time promoting your business and less time sending emails that will go unread updating listeners about your podcast. 

Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel marketing, like podcasting, is a relatively new idea. It allows for consumers to be reached through multiple different channels of marketing. Podcasting could be one of them. 

Here are some other examples of other ways to reach potential clients

  • Email marketing

  • Video content

  • Social media

  • Traditional advertising

  • Written content like blog posts

Adding podcasts to your marketing strategy can be an effective way to reach more people and grow your business.

Your podcast will allow you to have full control over what is discussed so you can easily promote your business within it. 

Enhance SEO

If your business is attached to a podcast, it will be much easier to find on Google. This is because Google indexes each episode of your podcast. This is so people can search for specific topics and find podcast episodes that relate to them. 


A good podcast will increase your chances of ranking higher on Google, which will lead to more traffic to your website. 

It is very simple to use SEO for podcasts. 

  • Pick a keyword and use it in the title and description of the podcast

  • Use the keyword throughout the podcast episode

  • Add the correct ID3 tag

Get Personal with your LISTENERS

Maybe the best benefit of podcasts is that they allow you to get more personal with the listener than a blog post or an email. A good podcast makes the listener feel like they are part of the conversation.

Here are some things you can do throughout your podcast to make it more personal

  • Ask the listener questions

  • Speak casually

  • Understand how your target market thinks

  • Tell stories that are relevant to the topic

  • Don’t use a script

If your podcast is more personal, listeners will be more likely to visit your website or leave comments on social media because they can relate to you and your podcast.

Written By: Leah Gerber


Podcasting can seem like a challenging thing to do at first, but with time it will create many benefits for you, your business, and your customers.

If you need help making your podcast sound amazing, we offer podcast editing, mixing, and mastering services that can elevate your brand and clearly share your message.

Learn more about all of our podcast production services and hear a sample of our work here. We look forward to adding massive value to your podcast development process.

Ready to get started? Find out the 17 Ways to Make Your Podcast Successful!

Podcast: What is It, How It Works, Who Creates It

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Hmm..how would I describe a podcast to someone who has no prior knowledge of it? Probably by breaking it down into something we could relate to that has been around for a while. 

Think of it as a series on Netflix. There are apps and websites like Netflix that cater specifically to podcasts (check out our blog: Best Podcast Listening Apps For iOS and Android to find the best app for you). Apps like Spotify Podcasts, etc. are a huge hub of recordings in a single place that talk about blogs, shows and topics in different genres that might intrigue you.

And similar to Netflix, you can download/browse these podcasts anytime and anywhere!

What is a podcast?

If I was to describe what is a podcast in a couple of words, it would revolve around these common answers:

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  • On-demand

  • Free of charge

  • A niche

  • A repurposed radio

  • Audiobooks for blogs.

  • An audio version of a blog that you can listen to anywhere.

Another way to describe a podcast would be to think of it as an online talk show on any topic. If you think of something that fascinates you, there’s probably a podcast you can listen to about it!

Where does it come from? Who creates it?

The word Podcast comes from the blend of the words iPod and Broadcast. 

It’s mostly used by individuals as a means of sharing information/their thoughts in order to bring together people with similar interests.

Podcasts are very economical for its creators when compared to writing/recording audiobooks, creating radio shows, etc. They are very cheap and easy to make as they can be produced from the comfort of your own home without having to rely on radio stations for recording and broadcasting.

Today podcasts are created by many different individuals as well as groups of people. Some podcasts available are from (this is a very small list):

  • Companies (big and small)

  • Radio Stations 

  • TV Networks 

  • Comedians

  • Art Historians

  • Storytellers

  • Churches

  • Podcast-only Networks

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If you need help making your podcast sound amazing, we offer podcast editing, mixing, and mastering services that can elevate your brand and clearly share your message.

Learn more about all of our podcast production services and hear a sample of our work here. We look forward to adding massive value to your podcast development process. Contact us here to get started.

How do they work?

Podcasts aren’t necessarily structured like say a TV show series, with the exception of being divided into episodes to create a sequence that is easy to follow. Pre-production features such as length, style, format, etc. aren’t pre-determined. Some podcasts may be released daily, some weekly or even monthly.

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With only the topic decided in advance, they are more freestyle rather than scripted.

Another amazing thing about Podcasts is that you can subscribe to them like you would a newsletter. You can receive notifications for every new upload, never missing an episode!


Podcasts are audio entertainment, anywhere, anytime, about anything. They are a great way of gaining knowledge on interesting topics or even just generally having something to listen to while you’re driving, at the gym, working, etc.

You can choose from thousands of topics and genres made for people of various ages. 

And the best thing about them: they are so easy to listen to and browse through that even the non-tech savvy people can learn how to use it in minutes.

Here are some of my favourite podcasts to get you started:

  1. The Joe Rogan Experience

  2. The GrowthTLDR With Kieran Flanagan and Scott Tousley

  3. The Jony Studios Podcast

  4. The Tim Ferriss Show

Did you find one you liked? Let me know which one in the comments below.

- By Neha Agarwala