
27 Music Production Tips for Beginners

Music production does not have to be an art set aside for those with large studios and expensive equipment. You're already halfway there if you’re passionate about recording and mixing music! Whether you’re between soundproofed walls or just in the comfort of your own home, mastering tracks is now more accessible than ever, and these 27 tips below can help you get started.

1) Expand your horizons

While you may categorize your music within various genres, looking to sounds outside your sphere can be immensely beneficial. Branching out musically will give your tracks a distinctive edge that can resonate with listeners outside your niche, widening your reach. Dave Grohl, current Foo Fighters frontman and former Nirvana drummer, discussed how traditional disco drumbeats inspired the rhythm section for Nirvana's 1991 smash-hit, Smells Like Teen Spirit. Although it may take some digging across genres and generations to find sounds that strike you, the inspiration and knowledge gained from doing so are vital for creating new music.

2) Make your own sounds

Are the presets on your software sounding old and out-of-touch with your current sonic atmosphere? Record your own sounds specific to the world you're creating with your music. Having unique sounds can help you stand out in your genre and open limitless possibilities for making new music in the future. Consider using found sounds, which are sounds you don't create by singing or playing on an instrument but rather those that already exist, such as the blowing wind or birdsong.

3) Learn music theory basics

Music theory is a hotly debated topic in the world of production. While there's no doubt about the power of being able to "feel out" what sounds good with no regard for musical scales or modes, they can certainly give you an edge in the studio. Learning basic concepts can help you understand why certain sounds go together, diversifying the musical toolkit you draw upon when creating your mixes. With countless courses available online about music theory for beginners, it’s now easier than ever to get started.

4) Find your "why"

Although making a prosperous career out of music production involves a stable salary, your time in the studio shouldn't be money motivated. Ask yourself what kind of music you want to create and why you want to make it. Try to pick up new skills every time you're in the studio and pass them on to fellow producers to create a community that lifts each other up. It will show in your music if you're only making songs to fulfill a contract. On the other hand, genuinely wanting to create music because you enjoy it will ultimately result in more captivating music that communicates your love for the craft.

5) Try new approaches

Falling into the trap of chasing a "signature sound" often makes songs sound repetitive and tired. Don't be afraid to switch things up and try different chord progressions or time signatures to keep your music interesting. For instance, on Soundgarden’s 1991 album, Badmotorfinger, every song features an alternate tuning for the band’s guitars, with the song Mind Riot even having every guitar string tuned to E. While you may feel like you're taking a big jump by trying something new, every track you make is filtered through your creative lens. No matter what you produce, listeners can pick up on specific elements that make a song your own as they’re the sounds you’re instinctively drawn to. It's infinitely better to get experimental than to make the same track twice.

6) Don't be defined by genres

Genre labels may be helpful when digging through a bin at a record store, but they shouldn't dictate how you make music. Countless bands have even succeeded in mixing genres, bestowing upon them their signature sound. From Rage Against the Machine combining rap and metal to the Red Hot Chili Peppers marrying punk and funk, the lines dividing music categories are becoming increasingly blurred, so take that as an opportunity to get more experimental with your music.

7) Work with others

As you're just getting started in the music industry, know-how from seasoned professionals is invaluable. Whether you're brainstorming ideas you wouldn't have thought of alone or learning how to turn mere concepts into real audio, having an extra creative in the studio is extremely helpful. Not only will the quality of your music benefit, but you'll also learn tips that will increase your mixing efficiency. Not yet part of a production community? Don't be afraid to reach out on social media to build connections.

8) Reel it back

When putting together your final product, keep the best tracks on your final record and only the best sounds in your tracks. If you're a guitar player, for example, it can be tempting to have a record full of 12-minute songs full of solos through different pedals. Still, it's also important to recognize that your listeners' attention spans aren't infinite, and you need to make the most out of the time you have on your record to showcase your best work. This can be difficult to do at first as your repertoire is limited, but as you build your catalogue, it gets easier to decipher what tracks are worth releasing to the public.

9) Set up correctly

Buying recording equipment is only half the battle; ensuring it’s put together and placed optimally is a whole other deal. Make sure you consult the manual to ensure the hardware is in order, then play around with the acoustics of your studio to find the sweet spot where your speakers and mics should go. The specific advice when setting up speakers is to position them as far away from the walls as possible while maintaining equal distance between them and where you'll be listening. Think of creating an equilateral triangle between yourself and your speakers to ensure an optimal listening experience.

10) resist repetition

It can be tempting to listen to your old tracks right before a studio session, but doing so may send you down a hole of self-doubt. Many artists start to revel in nostalgia and subconsciously imitate their old songs, making their music sound repetitive. While there's nothing wrong with having a consistent sound as an artist, you don't want your tracks to sound tired and overdone.

11) Know when to stOP

Being in the producer's chair opens your ears to every tiny mistake in your music. The true test of a producer is knowing when to stop editing and wrap up the song or mix you're working on. Whether stopping and sending it to the "finished" pile or just stepping back and scrapping it altogether, knowing when to stop working on a track will save you valuable studio time, allowing you to tend to your other projects.

12) Use what you've got

Buying all the newest gear to keep your music sounding up-to-date and fresh is tempting, but learning to use what you have can be highly gratifying and valuable in its own right. Instead of buying another app that you may only gain a surface-level understanding of before buying the next, aim to gain a deeper understanding of the software you already have. Learning to use all that your equipment offers can inspire you to take new turns with your mixes and produce interesting sounds with previously hidden features.

13) Revisit your first mixes

Frequently, the first ideas you think up are the best. After countless hours laboring over a single track, trying everything to get it perfect, the final product is usually found in the first mix. Typically, the first mixes are the most effective at capturing the original message or sound you wanted to convey, with other versions usually just containing filler.

14) Balance originality and presets

Holding yourself to the standard of creating music that's 100% original can put immense pressure on your shoulders, thereby fostering inactivity. While you should strive to create sounds that are unique to you, it's not cheating to use the preset functions offered by your software. By allowing yourself to tap into the provided sounds, you can focus on the bigger picture of overall sound without getting caught up in details like the equalization of individual sounds, which can hinder your productivity in a creative rut.

15) Record first, think later

The "all eyes on me" feeling can be pretty nerve-wracking when stepping in front of a microphone to record. Capture some laid-back magic in the studio before formally stepping into the booth by recording as soon as you enter. This way, you can document any jams or unscripted moments that occur when getting settled in that can blossom into something great down the line.

16) Set goals

Breaking into the music industry is no easy task. What can help, however, is setting goals and breaking them down into tasks you can complete daily. This way, you can track your progress in the studio and re-evaluate your plans to ensure they're still achievable and relevant.

17) Don't rush

There are countless interviews where artists share how they wrote the lyrics to one of their hit songs on a napkin in under 30 minutes. For some people, this can work, but understanding a track's full potential can take time and should not be rushed. Don't be afraid to take time experimenting with different sounds, re-arranging verses, or just packing a track away to deal with another time. It's better to take time on a track you're proud of than to release a song to meet a deadline.

18) Know your listeners

You shouldn't limit your music strictly to what you think your listeners will enjoy. Still, it can be helpful to imagine whom you want to be listening to your music. if you are making music to be played in specific venues such as restaurants or cafes, for example, you'll want to choose more ambient, passive sounds as opposed to tracks intended for targeted demographics. Another helpful cue when making music is to imagine the type of songs you wish you had heard growing up. You can then tap into your past and present influences to make music that a vast audience can enjoy.

19) Be consistent

Relying on motivation to get in the studio will only get you so far, but being consistent with a schedule Is when you're going to notice an improvement in your work. Documenting what you've done every time you get to work will help you see how far you've come in making your tracks. You can also note what you wish to complete before getting started to hold you accountable and ensure you're not wasting time in the studio.

20) Limit distractions

Getting inspired is one thing, but constantly getting off-track from your responsibilities is a waste of time. Narrow your focus on what you want to have completed every time you sit down to work. This way, you're less tempted to go off doing other unproductive tasks, leaving you unsure of what you got completed for the day. Countless apps are available that help limit distractions to ensure you are the most productive you can be.

21) Learn software techniques

You can be a skilled musician, but your tracks may not be worth listening to if you don't know how to use your production software to communicate that. Get familiar with all your production software has to offer, even functions you may not think apply to you. With a vast array of knowledge, you can successfully record your current tracks and possibly inspire new ones with ideas of how you can practice specific techniques.

22) Stay inspired

While you shouldn't wait for inspiration to strike to get started recording tracks, surrounding yourself with things that spark creativity is an easy way to stay inspired. You can check out what other music producers are working on, listen to new genres of music, or even look at things like films or video games to step out of the typical music bubble, all while still being introduced to new ideas you can apply to your work.  

23) Have a vision

To have a successful music production experience, you should be clear about what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. That's not to say that you should follow one concrete plan without room for evolution; rather, the opposite. An idea of how your work will turn out invites creativity as you can brainstorm various methods to get there and tweak your final product.

24) Create a Designated workspace

Having a specific area where you can walk in and know it's time to work can be highly beneficial as a music producer. Complete with all the necessary equipment, this space should be somewhere you can go when you either have a set idea ready to record or are just trying to get some concepts down for an upcoming track. By no means do you have to have a professional recording studio; what a home studio can do now is what someone 30 years ago would have needed a team of experts to do.

25) Enjoy the process

Music production is a true test of creativity, dedication, patience, and consistency. While it can be a grueling process with sleepless nights and creative blocks, make sure you're enjoying the time you spend producing music. You have the opportunity to contribute to the ever-changing music industry with tracks that express who you are both as an artist and individual. It's no easy feat, but it's rewarding to look back and see how your sonic atmosphere has developed into a reflection of you which is then communicated to your listeners

26) Accept feedback and critiques

Putting out tracks is scary; there's no doubt about it. As such, it can be hard to hear anything other than praise when letting others listen to your mixes. It is crucial, however, to remain open to critiques as they usually come from a place of care and others wanting to see you improve. Learning to accept when your music may be lacking can only help you grow as an artist and will enhance your music drastically.

27) Finish your tracks

Seeing a track through from start to finish is a valuable learning experience. In front of your eyes, you can see how a concept can go through various changes and overcome challenges yet still communicate an original idea or message. You also improve your workflow and build confidence by familiarizing yourself with finishing up a track and increasing your catalogue.


We hope these 27 tips clear some of the fog around music production, regardless of whether you're a beginner starting out or a pro looking for some extra information. Learning your software, staying consistent, and communicating your love for the craft are all essential when getting into producing music and setting yourself apart in the crowd. Happy producing!

Written by Midhat Mujaddid

Will you be trying any of these music production tips? Do you know a producer who you could share them with? We'd love to hear in the comments below!


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Should You Sign With A Record Label?

Amidst this new era of the music industry, more and more artists are refusing to conform to the confines of the traditional music industry. Especially considering the overload of information about music contracts and labelling deals, artists are now able to make more educated decisions. This includes undergoing a variety of novel paths such as testing new release strategies, marketing or even marketing through social media!


 1. Less creative freedom (silence)

Many artists are beginning to realize that their artistic freedom is being challenged more and more while under a music label. Unfortunately in the digital age of social media, artists are facing an increasingly heightened level of restrictions on their artistic freedom which is only more threatened under a label.

When an artist's message stirs off more political concepts especially from women and minority artists, that’s when the lines of artistic freedom become further challenged. Read a very informative article by CIVICUS to learn more about “the state of artistic expression”. 

For example: in MIA’s song, “Borders” has really defied many boundaries by expressing the harsh reality of the refugee crisis in the European Union. With MIA being a refugee herself, she used her voice in a powerful way by speaking up for the rights of humanity.

 Unfortunately, none of that matters when she was taken for a four-year court battle to take down her video with the NFT. This is all because of her wearing a parody of the “Fly Emirates” shirt by replacing it with “Fly pirates” as a strong statement. Check out an article where VICE interviews MIA about this topic for more information. 

Have a listen of MIA’s song “Borders” below and tell us what you think! 


2. The power of self-promotion through youtube, Soundcloud

The music industry no longer has a monopoly on music promotion nowadays. What is great about social media is how anyone has the opportunity to take advantage of the countless abilities to connect with an audience base to build their own brand. Embarking in a music career does not have to be as linear as signing a music label and waiting to get promoted. There are so many chances, marketing techniques and ways to engage your target audience with the power of the internet alone. 

For example, Youtube is now the largest search engine on the internet and now actually one of the most popular platforms to stream music. For example consider Joji, a viral Youtube Star who made his way to become a respected HIT R&B star. I honestly just found out he was a youtube star just recently, and am once again surprised at the power of the internet! 

Check out this interesting article by Time Magazine that goes over Joji's music career from a Youtuber to a famous R&B artist!


3. Lack of personal attention

Although, of course, there are some pros for signing with a record deal, however, the matter of the fact is, many artists are left fighting for attention from their label. This is mostly because of the fact that how large and influential music industries are (which is definitely a plus). However, this means that many agents come and go because of high staff turnover. In other words, the person you may have connected with your music, may not be working with you the next day.  

Despite how huge and influential music industries are, this also means you are likely to be fighting for attention. This is even more amplified if your music doesn’t sell charts right away. In this case, it may be difficult to get a label representative to return phone calls or not getting enough promotion. As a result, your music may not be as prioritized any longer, even if your music does have potential.


4. No guaranteed that labels equal success (not like before in the 90s)

Back in the 90s, signing to a label meant that you were destined for great success. Now, the music industry is changing rapidly as the labels find new ways to generate revenue. Due to the fact that music is now sold through streaming services instead. As a result, this changed the music industry's role to artists drastically which basically means that music labels can no longer guarantee success.

 On the other hand, many artists are starting to go solo to take advantage of the increased freedom that music streaming provides. Take Chance the Rapper as a perfect example of someone who achieved great success through using mixtape sites, touring and constant creation all without ever selling a record!

Read this Rolling Stones article for more information Indie artists going Independent! 


5. Artists needing to owe record labels an advance

So now I bet you are wondering what happens if you are signed to the music industry and your work isn’t doing too well. Well if you signed a music label, it is likely you have gotten paid an advance which is basically an investment to support the production of your music. If you are new to the industry, it is way too easy to think that getting an advance is your lottery ticket. 

Unfortunately, it is not that simple as the truth is that a record advance is really more of like a credit which you must pay off with your art. Therefore, if you DO sign for a record label it is important not to ask for too much which may limit their ability to market you and your ability to pay them off. This is why it is crucial to NEGOTIATE in order to find out what works best for you and not end up forever in debt.  

Check out the “Music Industry” for more advice if you do want to sign to a record label. 


6. Complicated contracts (not being able to keep rights, being able to keep royalties) 

Many of these music label contracts contain so much legal jargon that only highly specialized lawyers can truly understand. Too many artists fall into this trap and end up losing their royalties and the rights to their music. Imagine going on so many tours, concerts and promo only for the record labels to be making millions while you’re left with spare cash. Unfortunately, this is the reality for so many artists throughout history including a variety of different famous artists. 

Sadly, history has shown that a lot of the time, Black artists are left facing the short end of the stick. It is without a doubt Black Americans influenced countless music genres ranging from rock and roll, blues, and jazz. Yet, many of these artists such as Little Richard were victims of poor contracts that left them forced to waive the rights to a variety of his classic songs at the start of his career. Fortunately, in his case, he regained his rights in the 1980s after a lawsuit settlement which further stresses the importance of fighting for your rights.


7. Streaming dominating the industry and creating complications

I am sure you heard of countless stories where an artist speaks out about streaming royalties. The case is always due to artists being signed to a label which makes it difficult for artists to gain their fair share of money in return for their views. 

This is made even more complicated when artists are signed under 5 album deals under a music industry that was still at a low point and is forced to continue making music with little return. 

To make it more clear, famous artists like Lil Uzi Vert, who made 8 million from one song, will only make around 2 million simply because of label complication.



In conclusion, music labels are becoming more and more complicated. As the internet evolves, there are more and more options for music artists to gain exposure through social media. Either way, it is crucial that artists make informed decisions before signing a label and begin research before signing off to a record label. 

Do you think record labels are still a viable option for artists in this day and age? Let us know in the comments!

By Itman Hassan

If you need further help creating your own music, we offer audio production services that will help you elevate your sound and bring your song to life!

We look forward to being a part of your success.

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3 Ways Sampling Music Can Benefit Your Audience

3 Ways Sampling Music Can Benefit Your Audience-2.jpg

Many people overlook how producers creatively sample music, melodies, or even unusual sound effects to create a whole new unique piece of work. However, some music fans have a different take and instead look down on music samples used today as being unoriginal. There is a long history of samples being used in music (with examples arguably found all the way back in 1940!). Sampling can still be used creatively by artists and producers in ways anyone is able to love. Here is a shortlist of some of our favourite sampling techniques and why we think sampling should be here to stay.


1. Old Music Samples help Introduce younger people to old music

Personally, I can’t count the number of times I ran into a song and just had to look up the sample and ended up falling in love with the original artist. Many mainstream artists use hooks or background vocals from famous songs from the past that the youth might never get introduced to otherwise. In a blog by LANDR, it was made clear just how prevalent sampling is even as far back as the use of Ancient Greek chorus and verses. 

Artists also use samples to pay homage to their history.  For example, Kanye’s west song “Blood on the Leaves” uses chorus vocals from Nina’s Simone's song “Strange fruit”. The song is an eerily dark reminder of the suffering Black Americans faced during Jim Crow which was renewed to appeal to the present and pass on its importance to younger listeners.

Blood on the leaves - Kanye West

Producers: Kanye West, Ross Birchard, Elon Rutberg, Malik  Jones, Tony Williams, Cydel Young, Mike Dean, Lewis Allen


2. Producers can creatively create a new song from samples

Once I found out about music sampling, listening to song samples that sound completely different from the original song amazed me. Producers can get very creative while making music through sampling. They utilize production techniques to chop and screw, mix, loop etc. to create a new song as the use of microsampling. 

The YouTube video “What is MIDI” by LANDR, goes over MIDI (Musical Interface Digital Interface) which changed modern music profoundly with technology. 

Many hip hop artists have perfected this art of sampling such as Kanye West, Timbaland, Daft Punk, Pharrell and more. What’s great about this software is how more simple it makes the production process. If you aren’t familiar with production software, Jony Studios is a great service to help you with your recording, editing and mixing as well!

Blurred Lines- Robin Thicke  (sample Marvin Gaye’s Got to Give it up)

Producer: Pharrell Williams


3. Appreciation for different cultures

A lot of popular songs in pop culture actually take influences from cultures which connect music lovers around the world. During this digital age, through social media, the globalization of music is greater than ever as more music becomes available to use with permission. For example, Justin Timberlake's “What Goes Around Comes Around” which was produced by Timbaland and Danja samples a Yemeni Folk song. An article by ArabNews praises how more foreigners find a new appreciation for Arab Music as a result of sampling. 

Artists like M.I.A can also sample music to pay homage to their own culture such as she did in her song ‘Jimmy’ which was sampled by a Bollywood song by Parvati Khan. 

What goes around comes around - Justin Timberlake

Producer: Waylone Jennings, Richie Albright



Sampling in the future will likely become more unique and interesting as streaming services become more global along with increasingly advanced music editing software. Everyone loves timeless music with hooks and melodies that people loved years ago or miles away that will be loved by new audiences when transformed through production.

Do you think completely original songs are the only way for artists to be creative? Let us know what you think below.

If you need further help creating your own music, we offer audio production and video production services that will help you elevate your sound and bring your song to life!

We look forward to being a part of your success.

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