video marketing tips

7 Top Video Trends You Should Use for Marketing


It’s no secret when someone tells you that video marketing is the best type of marketing there is out there. They’re not only attention-grabbing, but very easy content to consume to the average watcher and if you can tell a story, then even better - this way it gets them hooked to the very end (and watch times are very important). 

But how do you know which way is actually the best way to showcase your product or service? Keep on scrolling to find out.

1. Social Media


There are 2 types of videos that go hand-in-hand with Social Media video trends:

  • Ephemeral - temporary videos only available to the viewer for a 24-hour period. Social media platforms that make use of this particular style are Snapchat, and Facebook and Instagram stories.

    Due to the its limited time frame of accessibility, it makes this trend super effective as it can be very engaging (especially if you put a poll or quiz) and can in fact, be very addicting to the average social media user.

  • Vertical - these types of videos have a higher completion watch rate compared to any other type of videos. In fact, 90% of people are more likely to complete a video that is vertical than one that is horizontal and has become a widespread format most, if not all social media gurus use.

Most people consume their online content through mobile devices, and thus, video marketing is adjusting accordingly to follow the trend alongside short and quick-to-the-point videos across all social media platforms.

Vertical videos is in and are definitely the way to go.

2. Live


Live videos became extremely popular due to the authenticity and naturalness of the entire video, as well as its connection to social media platforms. You are able to go live on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

While it can be used as a means to simply share something, it is also a cheaper alternative to running live shows especially with things turning that into the world of online since everything’s being done remotely.

However, while doing a live may seem as easy as clicking the ‘start’ button, to stand out (due to its growing nature), to put some work into the presentation to stand out from the rest.

3. Interactive


Out of all of the video trends, interactive video is the one that is most likely to grow even more traction than it already has. It allows for the viewer to directly interact with what is going on in the video, truly immersing them into the world created in the video.

Brands such as IKEA, Amazon, YouTube and Instagram have created interactive videos or more known as shoppable videos where you can shop while you watch.

On the other hand, you can also include polls or quizzes, or even reactions to your videos and live streams to add that interactive aspect with your audience especially depending on the platform.

Regardless of how you choose to make your video an interactive one, it is one of the best ways to engage people in the story you want to tell as you immerse them into another reality.

4. Personalized


Is literally as the name suggests: videos personalized and curated to a specific person. It could even be you! It typically includes the person’s name, email address, profile picture, pretty much anything that directly addresses the person and their interests. 

Personalized videos are so successful because it makes the customer feel valued and important and in turn, they’ll share what they receive to others (and this way you get free marketing!). 

And due to the increase in available insights and data to its users on social media, all the better to strategically market future products and services to its audience, catering to previous and loyal customers while also attracting new ones and increasing engagement

5. Animation


Who doesn’t love a good animated video? No matter the age, race or gender animated films are always a classic favourite.

Animated videos became of the utmost importance when in 2020, it was hard to shoot any real footage. Not to mention, being able to create them remotely allowed for businesses to close the gap in the lack of in-person meetings while still delivering their messages in a creative way, specifically in two methods:

  • Fluid Animation - similar to that of the motion of water, fluid animation is made up of persistent movement and is rather simple to create. All you need are a few layers and one mask, and soon enough you’ll get people interested in what it is that you have to offer.

  • Collage Animation - consists of a mix of photographs and illustrations whereas the animator cuts out parts of an image and combines them to create an animation with what they’ve gathered, making them stand out from the crowd.

6. Searchable


Allowing your video to be ‘searchable’ and ensuring that your SEO is performing at its best is what will make your video marketing strategy effective especially as YouTube, one of the biggest video streaming platforms.

Some tips on how to optimize your SEOs:

  • Use keywords in the title and descriptions

  • Create eye-catching and original thumbnail images

  • Include tags, keywords that are trending and relate to your video

  • And don’t forget to include subtitles and closed captions for those who prefer reading

7. Internal Communications


Internal Video Communications are typically used to onboard new employees via training/orientation shifts as a way to increase engagement, collaboration, and communication and will only continue to grow especially in 2021.

It is easily one of the best ways for people to learn as they are watching something on-screen, listening and thinking. It’s not a widely-used teaching strategy simply due to the fact of needing to plan, record, and edit the video and printing out a document, and doing a presentation.

However, more and more people are using it because of how 2021 has turned into whereas this is the most similar way to creating face-to-face and more personal interactions. Soon enough, this will be the norm of how to train new and onboarding employees.


So there you have it, the top 7 video trends for the year 2021, from vertical videos posted on social media, to live, interactive, and even training videos! It’s no doubt that video marketing is the smartest and easiest way to get an audience interested in what you have to offer. Which trend are you going to try next? Let us know!

Written by Tina Phong

If you need further help creating your own marketing videos, we offer video production services that will help you elevate your brand!

We look forward to being a part of your success. Contact us here to get started.

8 Important Reasons You Need to Use Video Marketing


You might be wondering whether or not video marketing is an essential tool to have in your promotional kit. The simple answer is yes. Not only does almost every company nowadays promote in this way, but having good video content can make you stand out from the rest. Below you will find 8 reasons why video marketing is the best tool you can use to elevate your brand.

1. It Boosts Your Sales

Who doesn’t love money? Well the key to success might be as simple as video marketing! Did you know that by simply adding a video to the homepage of your website for example, you could increase conversions up to 80%?

When taking still pictures alone into account, the human brain can process an image 60,000 times faster than when reading text. So, you can only imagine what a moving picture could do to the brain! The brain forms it’s first impression within 50 milliseconds, so grab your camera!

2. It’s Awesome For ROI

What’s more? 83% of businesses say that the use of video marketing provides a good return on their investments. Sure, video production​ may not always be the simplest or most inexpensive marketing technique, but it can definitely help you out in the long run! Consider spending a little more time and money on video marketing, and your sales will thank you for it.

You don’t need a fancy camera either. As long as you’re getting important information across in your video, then a simple phone camera may suffice. After all, good product explanations are typically more than good videography and editing. Not to say that visuals and sound effects aren’t important. It’s all about balance.

3. Trust Building

When creating video, it’s important to remember that the goal is to create an emotional response in your viewers. You should aim for it to be a feeling of trust. Afterall, trust should always be the basis of any company or business. You won’t have long-time customers without maintaining long-lasting relationships.

Many consumers worry whether or not the product they are potentially buying is false advertising. Take yourself into consideration. Have you ever been worried about a product until you watched a product review video online? So it comes as no surprise that video content gives 57% of customers more faith in the product they are purchasing.

4. Other Sites Might Promote You

Video marketing will keep consumer engagement up, and depending on how well your videos do, you could end up on other platforms as well. Say hello Google!

Since Google owns Youtube, you are 53 times more likely to end up on Google if you have a Youtube video embedded somewhere within your website. When doing so, be sure to include any additional steps to be taken so your customers can access product information easier. Consider interactive videos as well for better user engagement. Users view more than 1 billion hours of video each day on Youtube.

5. Video Vs. Mobile Users

Did you know that ​78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day? ​As smartphone use becomes more and more popular every year, so does the need for convenience. People would much rather watch videos on the go. There’s a reason as to why TV shows have gained such popularity over movies over recent years - people just don’t have the time anymore to sit down and watch a full length feature film, whereas a show can run just under half an hour per episode.

With that in mind, be sure to pack the most important information right in the beginning of your video. Keep it creative, fun, and most importantly, honest.

6. It’s The Easiest Way To Explain

72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by video. That’s a pretty big percentage for only a few extra minutes and dollars spent on advertising. Not only that, but video marketing doesn’t always require paid actors or having to sit in front of a camera and talk for minutes on end. Simply paying someone to create a quick animation for you can suffice! Animations are fun to watch and show a high level of professionalism as well.

7. Anyone Can Be A Consumer By Watching Video

In a world all about convenience, people tend to get lazy when it comes to reading long product descriptions and explanations. Most consumers want to see the product working in a live setting like video.

You shouldn’t only cater to good visuals, but great audio as well! As we all learned in school, some people are visual learners while others are auditory learners. Try to keep everyone in mind when video marketing.

8. Your Video Could Be Shared All Over Social Media

The statistics when it comes to social media platforms is really shocking. For example, ​social media videos generate 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. What’s more? Mobile video ad spending is expected to be about 72% of total digital ad spending in this year alone. Many social media networks encourage video content by adding new enticing features that have people hooked. TikTok is a great example of this, considering their net worth is 50 billion dollars.


Video marketing has and will continue to be on the rise for years to come. 85% of consumers

want to see more video content from brands.​ ​And in a world full of convenience, it comes as no surprise that video marketing will help to elevate your brand and make you stand out from the

rest. Keeping in mind that your videos should be fun, fresh, and different from anything else already online.

- By Jessika Molnar

If you need further help creating your own marketing videos, we offer video production services that will help you elevate your brand!

We look forward to being a part of your success. Contact us here to get started.