The Importance of Creativity in Business

Creativity allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation. More specifically, creativity skills are a key factor in having a successful life as they foster self-esteem and self-worth, and contribute to self-efficacy. Creativity also draws on individual skills and resources such as motivation and drive. Additionally, with the uncertainty of COVID-19, as well as the future, creativity may be more important now than ever before. Having a creative mindset toward your business or the company for which you work may make the difference between success and failure in these volatile times. While typically practical people, business owners can survive this economic hardship — and those to come — with out-of-the-box thinking, and perhaps even discover ways to grow.

Why is being creative so important?

  1. Fast Problem-Solving Skills

    For something to be innovative, there are two requirements: It must be novel and useful. Once an idea is possible, innovation tends to be an easier challenge for more players to achieve. Creativity is the novel step of being the first to identify that something might be possible in the first place. But innovation is the action of putting things into practical reality, despite challenges and resistance, rather than just contemplating. While creativity is crucial to generate ideas that are both unique and original, they’re not always inherently useful. Innovative solutions can’t exist, however, without a component of creativity.

  2. Allows for Innovation

    For something to be innovative, there are two requirements: It must be novel and useful. Once an idea is possible, innovation tends to be an easier challenge for more players to achieve. Creativity is the novel step of being the first to identify that something might be possible in the first place. But innovation is the action of putting things into practical reality, despite challenges and resistance, rather than just contemplating. While creativity is crucial to generate ideas that are both unique and original, they’re not always inherently useful. Innovative solutions can’t exist, however, without a component of creativity.

  3. Necessary for Growth

    One of the main hindrances to a business’s growth is cognitive fixedness, or the idea that there’s only one way to interpret or approach a situation or challenge. Building a creative workplace environment would be the first step to mitigate this issue. Business leaders must understand their workplace environment and company culture in order to foster a creative work environment. 

  4. Boosts Productivity

    Another benefit of creativity and innovation in business is that it helps in boosting productivity. Through coming up with creative ideas, individuals get to work on new exciting projects, which can be an incentive towards doing their best and achieving great things. Business creativity encourages people to give healthy feedback and foster collaboration, it also helps workers feel more appreciated since they get to test their limits and come up with something new.

How to develop a creative mindset?

  1. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

    Taking risks within the workplace encourages innovation, learning opportunities and advantages. Innovation and development of a company cannot happen if you will not accept the risk that your undertaking might fail. The level of risk may be lessened, however, if you make all possible calculations and evaluate which option is best before proceeding to the next step.

  2. Foster Collaboration

    With the onset of rapid growth in the corporate world, challenges have also increased. Tackling it is not an easy task, and in order to do that, you will need collaboration in the workplace. Collaboration allows quick adaptability and enhances performance. A diverse workforce will have individuals with varying thought processes and to promote collaboration, you need to respect everyone’s perspective. Another great way to enhance collaboration is to partner with a media production company who can give you a fresh perspective based on their experience, and help develop content that will allow for business growth!

  3. Maintain an Open Mind

    Maintaining an open mind set goes hand in hand with taking risks. Having an open mindset means being objective when you approach new things, listening to other points of view, and being willing to admit what you don't know. Expand yourself to be more willing to accept new ideas and step outside of your comfort zone.

  4. Encourage Failure

    Mistakes can be some of the most helpful catalysts for growth and learning, both in life and in the workplace. However, many people fear failure, which can hold them back from taking risks or trying new things. Employees are most productive and creative when they aren't afraid of failing or making mistakes at work.

  5. Keep an Active Lifestyle

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps make people happier, less anxious, more resilient and better equipped to problem-solve in the face of hardship. Imagining and creating give us a sense of purpose and allows for individuals to be more mentally and physically stimulated. This will all eventually result in a more productive and efficient workplace. 


Creativity and innovation are extremely important skills whether you’re a job seeker, employer, or aspiring entrepreneur. It is proven that maintaining a creative mindset can be of help in all aspects of life, not just the workplace. Creativity encourages mental and physical stimulation and allows for individuals to be more free with their decisions.

Written by: Rena Wu

Are you able to recall the last time that you were creative? Comment below, we want to hear your responses!

If you’re wanting to learn more about business, media, and music production, we are developing a course called Producer Launch that will take you from beginner, all the way to knowing how to become a successful producer for a living!

Sign up here to be notified when it launches for an exclusive 50% off!


11 Tips to Go From Artist to Entrepreneur

Artist | \ˈär-tist\ | noun

  1. a person who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music, or writing) using conscious skill and creative imagination

Entrepreneur | \ahn-truh-pruh-nur\ | noun

  1. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.


If you're reading this article, the chances are that you're familiar with the first definition above. Through countless studio hours, sleepless nights, and work-in-progresses, you've lived it. What you're looking to learn more about is the second definition. Luckily, as an artist, you're no stranger to taking initiative and risks, which are cornerstones of entrepreneurship, as described above. Below, you'll find 11 tips that will detail how to take the reins on your creative talents to build a long-term, prosperous career as an artist.



When starting out in the creative arena, it's essential to understand fully who you are as a creator and how you'll relay your identity to your audience. What drives you to create? What experiences got you to where you are today? Ask yourself the tough questions to help you determine the kind of art you'll produce and how it will link back to your identity as an artist. 

It's also crucial to clearly define yourself as an entrepreneur when getting started in the art industry. Making and distributing business cards with your name alongside the title of "artist" is a sure-fire way to get your name and creations in the public eye. 


After some introspection, it's time to do what you do best: create meaningful art pieces that resonate with the public. Consider selling small collections of your art to show consistency in your work and help you determine what's selling in the ever-changing art market. This way, you can build on past collections that garnered positive attention to reach more people, helping you grow. 


Although it can be immensely beneficial to make an Instagram account for your art, social media isn't enough. Building a website, an extension of you as an artist, is crucial in every creative industry. If done effectively, your site will give your audience insight into what you make and who you are. A hub with artist statements, a regularly updated blog, and most importantly, your portfolio will help you make a name for yourself in the art business.

Interested in building a site complete with a blog just like this one? Contact us; Jony Studios can help you bring your artistic endeavors to new heights with our website building services. 



Ensuring your art reaches its intended audience is imperative when building your career as an artist. Figure out who's buying your art, how much they typically spend, and how often they buy. Also, note how many people champion your art without buying it. Don't underestimate the power of individuals invested in your art, even if they aren't spending their money. This way, you can use your effort to display your art where the public will appreciate it. The best way to find your target audience is to let your audience find you. Display your art wherever and whenever you can so it can reach large groups of people at one time. Every time your art is on display, there's a possibility that your next client will be amongst one of the viewers.


As an entrepreneur, you must understand your art's intrinsic value and quantify it into a price. This can be difficult as art is defined by much more than its price tag. However, many artists have gone through this very struggle and developed formulaic methods to price their work. The main elements to consider are:

  • Cost of materials

  • Cost of overhead (studio rent, utilities, maintenance, etc.)

  • Cost of labor

  • Markup (recommended amounts range from 10-20%)



Sitting around and waiting for exhibits to come to town will do you no good as an artist wanting to break through in the industry. Reach out to local galleries to have your art displayed, submit articles to various art blogs and journals, or host an open studio day. You could even get in touch with interior designers and have your art featured in hotels, office buildings, and restaurants. Time spent hoping an opportunity will present itself is time you could spend creating your own.


If you show your customers that you value them, they’ll make an effort to see the value in your art. Give exclusive offers to people signed up to your mailing list or release special edition art collections to new customers. Even just interacting with your audience in the comments section of a blog post shows them you care and that you’re worth investing in, not only with their money but unwavering support. 


Surrounding yourself with the right people can make all the difference when starting as an entrepreneur for your art. Building connections with local journalists and art collectors can ensure that the public will know about your art whenever you wish to display it. Even by helping others out, you may be exposed to new opportunities to have your work featured or be interviewed by the press. The bottom line is to expand your network, not only to make the most sales but to have a support system of people in your niche to help you when you’re down and to amplify your success when you’re up. 


Although finance and art may seem like opposite ends of the career spectrum, keeping your records organized will save you countless future headaches. Staying on top of your expenses and revenues can help you budget effectively when buying materials or renting out studio space. Many websites even offer webinars specifically for artists trying to navigate the world of finance. If you can spend less time stressing about money, you can spend more time crafting art pieces. 


You must set realistic goals if you want a long-term, prosperous career as an artist. After doing so, develop systems you can implement daily to help complete your objectives. Asking yourself questions like “What percentage of my art should I sell to be profitable?” will help you determine how many hours you’ll spend in the studio every day. For example, if you want 50% of your art to be purchased, you’ll need to make double the amount you hope to sell. Make your business plan, follow it, then tweak it accordingly to ensure your goals are still relevant and attainable.


Begone with the stereotypes of the carefree artist. If you decide you want to make a business out of your art, you need to remain dedicated even when the chips are down. When your exposure is low, create an opportunity to generate buzz around your work. If you didn’t meet your expected sales for the first quarter, calculate the additional revenue you need to earn across the next three to diffuse the loss. Some customers may not even buy an art piece until years after they see it since it may take that long for them to realize they connected with it. It’s always better to take a step back and re-evaluate your approach than quit. 



Deciding to get serious about your art can seem like a daunting decision, but by no means does it have to be. Building connections, creating impactful pieces, and making opportunities for yourself are all ways you can steadily elevate your art business. With these 11 tips in your arsenal, we hope you realize creative success can be yours. 

Still looking for more help to kickstart your creative career? Maybe you’ve already found your footing but want some assistance fine-tuning your approach. Wherever you are in your art-trepeneurial journey, Jony Studios can help. Our services range from brand consulting to website development to SEO. We’d love to help you be the best art entrepreneur you can be!

Written by Midhat Mujaddid

Are you going to try any of these techniques with your art business? Do you know an artist who could use some of these tips? Let us know in the comments below!

If you’re wanting to learn more about business, media, and music production, we are developing a course called Producer Launch that will take you from beginner, all the way to knowing how to become a successful producer for a living!

Sign up here to be notified when it launches for an exclusive 50% off!


Final Cut Pro X vs Adobe Premiere Pro: Best Video Editing Software

Final Cut Pro X vs Adobe Premiere Pro: Discover which one suits your business the best through this 101 guide of both softwares. 


Although both are excellent softwares for any and all of your video editing needs, Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro ultimately come down to two things: Apple vs Adobe. One thing to mention is that Final Cut Pro X is only compatible with Mac OS (sorry Window users!) In layman's terms, if you have a Mac, then congrats, you have full freedom to choose between Final Cut Pro X or Premiere Pro. These two effective, but costly softwares both have their pros and cons, so let’s get straight into it! Hopefully by the end of this article, you will have a better idea of which video editing software works best for your workflow. 

Final Cut Pro X

Apple built Final Cut Pro X (FCP X for short) from the ground up so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this video editing platform makes better use of integrated OS features and generally seems more “fine-tuned” for Mac users. This does not go to say that using Final Cut Pro X as a Windows user is not possible, but, it is relevant to mention that you might find it more intuitive if you used it on an Apple product. With all this said, let me make it clear that Final Cut Pro X is much more beginner friendly than Adobe Premiere Pro. It displays an extremely intuitive and straightforward interface that provides easy navigation around the platform and the ability to learn at a timely speed, all qualities that are perfect for beginners. All complex editing functions are hidden initially which makes it much more approachable for beginner editors or those new to the software. This simple user interface means they can jump right in and start editing videos quickly. But the features and tools that are initially hidden can be easily opened and used on projects, so the software is no less sophisticated than its competitors. Although FXCP is more than capable of editing projects to almost any level, it is not best-suited for extremely complex video editing works that involve many nonlinear levels of video tracks. FCP X provides the best utilization when working and editing a chronological project. What FCP X lacks in multidimensional video editing, it makes up for in rendering time. Final Cut Pro X is by far much faster than Adobe Premiere when it comes to rendering, specifically on an M1-powered device. However, as much as we would like to love FCP X, let’s learn a little more about Adobe Premiere Pro.

Adobe Premiere Pro

With constant improvements being made to this software, Adobe Premiere Pro is now recognized as a video editing software that is equally suitable to both Apple and Windows computers. Debunking the myth that Adobe Premiere Pro is “better” for Windows users, it is now known that the Premiere Pro interface on either type of computer is nearly identical. Premiere Pro benefits from great workflow flexibility, powerful adjustment layers, a strong emphasis on team projects and raw controls to keep footage looking its best. In addition to all this, the panel-based user interface is useful for an organized workspace and is also fully customizable. Basic editing tools like track selection, trimming, and ripple or rolling edit functions pave the path for Premiere Pro’s more detailed editing functions such as Lumetri Color for color grading. In fact, the software works with a whole host of other Adobe software, too. But don’t get convinced too quickly, keep in mind that Premiere Pro requires four key components: a very fast processor, enough RAM memory, a large amount of fast storage, and an adequate video processor. If you lack these requirements, you may want to reconsider your decision in investing in Premiere Pro. It is worth mentioning that Premier Pro’s huge benefit includes its compatibility with many of Adobe’s other suite titles including Audition for audio editing and Photoshop and Illustrator for working with image titles. Contrary to FCP X, Premiere Pro uses Productions to increase organization and synchronization for multi-project workflows and has the ability to rename files of other media meaning no confusion when it comes to backing up data. So does all this sound like something that fits your requirements? If not, take a look at the table below to see some features of both softwares.

Don’t take my word for it, let’s compare some critical features:


Overall, both tools are absolutely outstanding in their abilities to edit videos; with either option, you can rest easy knowing that you will be creating professional-quality videos that will go a long way toward taking your videos to the next level, whether it be from a personal or business perspective. Unfortunately, if you are a windows user, FCP X is out of the question, however, there are some great video editing alternatives that are also great for beginners found here. If you need further help creating your own videos, we offer video production services that will help you elevate your brand!

At the end of the day, the software you choose to buy comes down to your own personal choice and workflow. So before making your purchase, consider these questions: 

  • Do you own a Mac or Windows computer? 

    • Mac? →  Next question

    • Windows? → Adobe Premiere Pro

  • What’s your skill level? (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) 

    • Beginner? → Final Cut Pro X

    • Intermediate? → Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere Pro

    • Advanced? → Adobe Premiere Pro

  • What is the purpose for your video editing? (Personal, Business) 

    • Personal or Business? Up to you!

Written by Rena Wu

Either way, whatever you choose, both Final Cut Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro can create stunning, professional-level content. So what are you waiting for?

If you’re wanting to learn more about media, music production, and business, we are developing a course called Producer Launch that will take you from beginner, all the way to knowing how to become a successful producer for a living!

Sign up here to be notified when it launches for an exclusive 50% off!